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An Unashamed Easter w/ Andy Mineo: The Death of Jesus (Pt. 1)

Posted 9 months ago - Apr 30, 2024

From: Admin User

Read part 2 and part 3.

Q: How does Jesus dying demonstrate God’s love?

A: So, I think that God's love is demonstrated here at the cross. But not just his love is demonstrated, A lot of other qualities – His justice, His righteousness, His love and His grace. A lot of things are demonstrated at the cross, but I think it shows sacrifice. If you love someone you will sacrifice for them, even at the cost of yourself. I think that's what Jesus did for us. God loved us so much, He gave us his son to bear the responsibility of our sin and create an opportunity for us to have right relationship with God the Father.

Q: How does Jesus dying forgive my sins?

A: A lot of people say, “alright Jesus died, but what does that have to do with my sin?” We've heard the cliché answer before, right, Jesus died for your sin. But, how do you make that conclusion? So, what we have to do is we have to go to the Bible and ask, “What is the price for sin?” In the Bible, it tells us the wages or the price for sin is death. Just like, if I walked into a room and I broke a lamp. The price for that lamp is X amount of money or the replacement of a lamp. So, the Bible tells us that the wage, the price for sin is death and all of us have sinned against God who is holy and righteous and pure and without sin. What we've done against God, our sin, we deserve death. But what Jesus does He comes, and He lives the life that we could never live which was a perfect, pure, sinless life. Meaning, He’s never sinned, so he doesn't deserve death. What He does is He lives that perfect life that we could never life. Then He goes and dies the death that should have died, in our place for our sins. So, He paid the penalty for our sin and now we don't have to if we would turn from our sin and trust that He already paid the price for it. So, someone's going to pay for sin and it’s either going to be us by death and an eternity apart from God in Hell or we can turn and trust in Jesus who already paid the price.  

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