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Be More Dependent

Posted 10 months ago - Apr 30, 2024

From: Admin User
And in that day, declares the Lord,
    I will cut off your horses from among you
    and will destroy your chariots;
and I will cut off the cities of your land
    and throw down all your strongholds;
and I will cut off sorceries from your hand,
    and you shall have no more tellers of fortunes;
and I will cut off your carved images
    and your pillars from among you,
and you shall bow down no more
    to the work of your hands;
and I will root out your Asherah images from among you
    and destroy your cities.
And in anger and wrath I will execute vengeance
    on the nations that did not obey.
Micah 5:10-15
I have the tendency to do everything on my own. I don’t want to be seen as lacking or in need. I want to be independent, strong and self-sufficient.
And that’s the problem, right? At least for followers of Jesus.
We aren’t self-sufficient at all. In reality, we are completely dependent on Jesus. Without Him, we would be dead in sin, unable to save ourselves. That’s an easy thing to forget - that our lives are dependent on God’s ability, not ours.
That’s where Micah 5:10-15 comes in, putting into perspective the idols not only in the hearts of the Israelites, but the idols in our own hearts.
As humans, we live in constant fear of being dependent on anything or anyone other than ourselves. We want to make money so we can provide for ourselves. We want to avoid illness because we don’t want to be seen as helpless. We are constantly striving to be successful, relying solely on our own power. Whether we realize it or not, we make decisions to ensure that we have the best and easiest life.
Israel did something similar here in Micah 5:10-15. In order to be self-sufficient, they put safeguards into place so that they wouldn’t need rescuing. However, in their effort to provide for themselves, their own safeguards turned into idols.
Instead of seeing their resources as a gift from God, they used their resources as a replacement for God.
How many times do we do that? God gives us an amazing gift like a job or relationship, but instead of using that gift to honor Him, we replace Him.
In their attempt for power and strength, the Israelites built up their military ability. They assembled a supply of horses, chariots, cities and strongholds all in an attempt to have power, strength and refuge from their enemies. (vs. 10-11)
What did God do? He cut them off.
Everything they held as their source of strength was cut off, showing them that their strength comes from God. Their power didn’t lie in a fleet of chariots, but rather in almighty God. The collection of cities didn’t provide safety, rather God alone gives refuge.
They didn’t stop there. The Israelites possessed fortune-tellers and sorcerers in their attempt to see and control the future (vs. 12). Instead of relying on God for what was to come, they put their trust in other humans to try to predict what was coming.
What happened? You got it! God cut them off.
How easy is it to have anxiety over the future? To overthink and manipulate circumstances with our best interest in mind. But God, being sovereign over everything, controls our future.
Just like their pursuit of strength, safety and control, the Israelites chased after false gods and carved images for fulfillment (vs. 13-14). They attempted to find satisfaction in worship practices of the pagan gods, Baal and Asherah. These practices involved false worship and cultic sexual sin, among many other things. These very things that made them feel empty inside were the things they pursued in the attempt to feel whole.
If you haven’t caught the theme yet, God cut them off to their false idols. Out of a deep love for His people, God removed each idol in order to rescue them.
It’s easy to look as these examples of self-sufficiency and think, “I’m not stock piling horses or worshiping Baal! I’m good.”
Maybe our modern safeguards don’t look like the Israelites, but they are just as dangerous. We pursue the things that we think will bless us, advance us, or make us feel whole.
Every self-help strategy the Israelites conjured up never brought lasting fulfillment. These systems could not satisfy like a holy, loving, strong God can. In His power and knowledge, God cut them off from the very things that were destroying them. God rescued His people by cutting off the things that gave false power, false refuge, false security, and false fulfillment. In God’s great love for us, He cuts off the things that distract us from Him.
It is in God alone where strength, safety, security, and fulfillment are found. Because of Jesus, we are able to have an abundant life. Held by God, we no longer have to rely on false idols.
by Emily LaGrone

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