What Now?

Posted 3 months ago - Apr 30, 2024

From: Admin User
Being a twentysomething is not for the faint of heart, that's for sure. It's a time in every person’s life, that you learn from but never want to go back to. A time when you feel like you’re flailing more-often-than-not. A season of life when you’re trying to figure out bills, student debt, a new job, a new city, keeping old friends and making new friends, making sure you call your mom, getting to the gym and making time for growing in your faith...just to name a few. The question, "What am I doing with my life" comes to mind at least once a day. With questions coming at you from every direction, be sure you're asking and answering the right ones. Paul Angone poses 11 questions that every twentysomething should ask with the intention of moving on from "what now?":
  1. Do the people I'm surrounded by bring me life?
  2. Who inspires me the most?
  3. What are my favorite stories?
  4. Would I want to live with me?
  5. Do I love from my insecurities or do I love from my strengths?
  6. Where am I ripe with talent and where do I quickly deflate?
  7. What are my favorite hobbies/things I do for fun, and are they something I can leverage into a career or product?
  8. What's the main thing holding me back?
  9. What are my negotiables and non-negotiables?
  10. What breaks my heart?
  11. At 29 years and 364 days, if I have accomplished just one thing, what do I want it to be?
  Click here to read Paul's article and see how he breaks down each question!

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Admin User

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