Unclog Your Drain Already!

Posted 3 months ago - Apr 30, 2024

From: Admin User
Oh, to be 24. To be too old to call your parents when something goes wrong (I still do anyways!) but too young to know everything there is to know about the world. As a 24 year old, it's obvious to me DAILY that I don't know it all. Or even close to it all. In fact, I know next to nothing. Take bathroom drains for example. I recently learned that when you have a clogged drain you can't just keep blasting it with Drain-o and expect it to get better. No, as the other DJs at NGEN were all too fast to tell me, you have to fish out the clog. With a straightened-out hanger or something equally long and pokey. It was going to be unpleasant, but it had to be done if I wanted a normal drain again. Ew. I wash my dog in my bathtub. So there is a plethora of dog fur and human hair in this drain. But I made it happen. I straightened out a hanger and fished around until I got all the clogs out. It was as similarly satisfying as those little pore strips you put on your face to take the gunk out of your pores. Pro-tip for all of us independent ladies (and gentleman): sometimes you have to get to the source of the issue. Whether that's your drain or your heart. Whether that's a clog or a sin struggle. Often the source of the issue is ugly and unpleasant like my drain. Yes, I'm making a metaphor out of my clogged drain right now. Roll with it. We have to get to the root of the issue in order to remove it properly. Otherwise we're going to be standing in 4-inch deep water every time we take a shower. Here's hoping this helped you unclog your drains and maybe clean your life of things that seek to make you stagnant. With love, Angela (from the Afternoon Show with Chris Chicago)

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