The Tempestuousness of Life

Posted 3 months ago - Apr 30, 2024

From: Admin User

tem·pes·tu·ous /temˈpesCH(o͞o)əs/


1. characterized by strong and turbulent or conflicting emotion.

2. very stormy.

It doesn’t matter which definition you decided to attribute to the circumstances of life, both sum it up well.

It was surprising that this one word had two similar meanings yet one definition seemed to speak to an internal source and the second, an external source. For a person or situation to be “characterized by strong and turbulent or conflicting emotion” shines a light on the internal workings of a person’s emotions or way of doing things. Whereas, “very stormy” describes a situation that is outside of a person’s control.

Maybe it’s just me, but the two categories summed the experiences in life.

The internal source of a tempestuous state can be attributed to our own brokenness. And the external sources can be attributed to the brokenness of our world due to sin and spiritual warfare.


Our sinful hearts are the cause of the turbulent and dangerous state of life. How so? Well, because of the fall in Genesis 3. When sin entered the world because of Adam’s disobedience, that meant that sin not only entered the physical world but we were born enemies of God (Psalm 51:5). Being born into a depraved state, we were unable to save ourselves.

If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:8-9

Enter Jesus, the only One that could make a way to God. Through the Gospel, we are made new (2 Cor. 5:17). But, because we are still living on this side of Heaven, we wrestle against our old sinful nature. This tension is what makes life difficult. We still have the desire to do evil, but we also have the desire to pursue God. It’s only through God that we can love and obey God. It’s through His grace and mercy, that we can deny our old self in the pursuit of holiness. This tension, though exhausting, is a beautiful thing. Through the desire to put off the old self daily, we can see evidence of the Holy Spirit working in our lives. Even though our sinful ways are part of what makes life hard, we can know that God is our place of strength to face the dangers of life. It’s by His power that we can face our circumstances and trials. Praise God for that!


The crazy thing about the brokenness of the world is that it just happens. Just like we can’t stop a hurricane from hitting the coast or a tornado from sweeping across a neighborhood, we can’t help what happens around us. Yes, God is in control, but we aren’t. And yes, we can use wisdom to try to bypass any type of suffering but unfortunately, it doesn’t work for everything. While we can’t abstain from all types of storms, God has not only equipped us to face a storm, but He has also provided Himself as a place of refuge.

In Ephesians 6, we are taught how to prepare for battle. Not just in moments of trials but against spiritual warfare. Just as a soldier must prepare for war, the Christian life is no different. If we go onto the battlefield unprepared, we will face more devastation than if we were properly prepared. Paul instructs the Church to strap on the belt of truth; place the breastplate of righteousness across our chests; tie the gospel of peace on our feet; cling to the shield of faith with the helmet of salvation on tight while wielding the sword of the Spirit.

Whoa, wait. How do I do all of that? Through prayer.

It’s through prayer and a life submitted to God that we can stand against the tempestuousness of life. God not only equips us but sustains and protects us.

God is our strong tower and present strength in the battle. The battle raging in our own hearts and the one raging around us. He is faithful to us and gives us all we need to withstand any battle or storm.

Our own hearts can be deceiving and the world around us in a constant state of decay. But God.

God is for you, no matter your situation or circumstance. It doesn’t matter if you’re in financial trouble, physically ill, emotionally exhausted, overcome with fear, crippled by depression – God is with you through it all. It is by His hand that you can face this crazy life.

Today, I hope you can be reminded of who God is even in this tempestuous life.

  • God is our refuge and strength (Psalm 46:1-3)

  • God upholds and helps you (Isaiah 41:10)

  • God is your strong tower and place of safety (Proverbs 18:10)

  • God is your stronghold in times of trouble (Psalm 9:9-10)

  • God is with you and gives you rest (Exodus 33:14)

  • God gives you peace (Philippians 4:6)

  • God delivers from fear and uncertainty (Psalm 34:4)

  • God carries all your anxiety (1 Peter 5:7)

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Admin User

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