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Why volunteer with NGEN?

Spread God’s love and serve others through volunteering with NGEN! Being an NGEN volunteer not only allows you to make a difference in the lives of others, but also your own. It’s your opportunity to build new relationships, strengthen your community and spread hope to others. Whether you choose to pray for others as part of the NGEN Prayer Team, greet attendees at an NGEN concert, or work a booth with the NGEN Street Team, you are helping to make a difference and bless others in a way that can last for all time.

How do I sign up to volunteer with NGEN?

So, how can you serve and be a part of something life-giving? The volunteer application process begins by completing a brief form and submitting a photo of yourself for your volunteer ID card. Once your application is approved, you’ll receive a confirmation email from NGEN and an invite to complete a background check from Sterling Volunteer. Approved volunteers are asked to cover the $19 cost of the background check and potential additional fees depending on the level of address history required. All volunteers must pass the background check provided before serving at any NGEN function. After passing the background check, you’ll receive more information about how to sign up for current and future volunteer opportunities.

For all questions or in the event you do not receive an email from Sterling Volunteer within one week of your approved volunteer application, please email NGEN’s Volunteer Manager, Steven Gonzalez, at sgonzalez@hopemediagroup.com.

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