The Passion(less)

Posted 3 months ago - Apr 30, 2024

From: Admin User
Where did we lose our passion? It feels like the new national pastime is critiquing endlessly without offering any alternative. When did our passion turn into passionate distaste? When did we lost sight of how it feels to let an idea fill you up with such enthusiasm that it's almost impossible to contain it? Think about it. When's the last time you lost yourself in creativity, in a dream for the future, in something you want to see accomplished, or simply in something you love? And when's the last time you gushed about your newfound romance to your friends? As I sat in my boss's office on a Tuesday, listening to him talk about God and his desire to bring the truth of Scripture to light through radio, I found myself in awe of the power of raw passion. As he described his vision, I wanted to run miles and miles, fight whatever it takes to make it happen! Passion makes us do crazy things. Things other people laugh at us move to a new city, start from the bottom, work for next to nothing - all just for a CHANCE to see a dream fulfilled. Passion is all-consuming; it's the twin sister of love. It's the beacon you follow until something gives way, or until the light breaks in. Most people would label me a "passionate" person. Heck, if you send me a card (a piece of folded paper!!!) I'll get worked up about it. "She's SO NICE. SHE DIDN'T HAVE TO DO THAT. SHE KNOWS I LOVE..." I will go on and on. Some people find it annoying, and that's ok. I never developed the reserve that some people have about things that make them happy or excited. When I'm passionate, I'm not a trickle of water...I'm a firehose. It's full-force. And trust me, not a day goes by when I don't get teased for my passion about seemingly everything. But I've learned to love that part of me, because I realized how rare it is. People don't get excited easily nowadays. It's as though showing your care and passion is immature and childlike, something you're supposed to get over when you get older. It's simply not true. I think God gave us passion to inspire others. As I sat in Brian (my boss's) office, listening to him share pieces of Scripture interwoven with vision for the future, I found myself getting excited because I have the same passion. My heart beats for the same things. And for that moment, for all our differences, our hearts and our heads were moving in the same direction. Passion is a creative highway. It invites other people to drive 90 miles in the fast lane next to you. It welcomes people with different skills and talents into the race towards a better future. What if we cared too much, and that was ok? What would happen if we stopped holding back? What if we were fearlessly passionate?

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Admin User

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