NGEN DJs’ favorite Thanksgiving dishes!

Posted 3 months ago - Apr 30, 2024

From: Admin User
It’s November and this month of Thanksgiving is all about giving thanks for ALL God’s blessings … including the best meal you’ll have all year, AMIRIGHT? Your favorite NGEN DJs are sharing their favorite Thanksgiving dishes. Try to guess before you keep reading and see which DJ you think picked the turkey, the mashed potatoes, the cranberry sauce, the stuffing and even tamales! MANNY I’m vegan, so Thanksgiving this year will be interesting. Instead of turkey, there will be tons of stuffing. Roasted veggies, bread crumbs … and I know bread isn’t vegan, but don’t judge me. I’m new to this game. COPPELIA It’s not Thanksgiving without CRANBERRY SAUCE!!!! MANNY You eat it in the can? COPPELIA YES! Cranberry jelly, jam, sauce, in a can, in a jar, or even dried cranberries out of the bag! They just make the turkey sweet and juicy and delicious and I can’t wait to eat some! And spend time with family! And friends! And celebrate my daughter’s birthday, which falls really close to Thanksgiving! CHRIS CHICAGO It would be very easy for me to say that mashed potatoes or green bean casserole is my favorite Thanksgiving dish, but I got to stick with the main event, the Champion, the MVP, the main dudes of all dudes: I'm talking about the turkey! And not only do I love the turkey most, but, it may seem a little weird, holla if you hear me, the best part is the skin! LIL ANG My favorite Thanksgiving dish is by far THE MASHED POTATOES!!!!!! I love the ones with cloves…and the Bob Evans brand mashed potatoes. Mashed potatoes could be the only thing served and I would still fly all the way back to Ohio where my family lives to eat them. REYNA REYNA My favorite dish to eat for Thanksgiving would have to be my grandma’s tamales. When I was young our entire family would get in her small kitchen and make them together. We had a lot of laughs. We’ve kind of grown apart since then to be honest, but every time I bite into one of her tamales it feels like home. I’ve tried many times to get her recipe but I still don’t know it. Every time I’d write something down on my notepad she’d add a little more of this and a little more of that. I guess the best recipes don’t come in measurements because they’re straight from the heart. KENT MATTHEWS When I was a kid it was all about the turkey, but now my sophisticated palette truly appreciates a good stuffing. My wife (Hallelujah!) makes one that is gluten free and shockingly delicious! This will be our first Thanksgiving as a married couple!

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