Life Happens

Posted 3 months ago - Apr 30, 2024

From: Admin User
It's January.  We're all trying to be the best versions of ourselves.  Working towards our goals.  Trying to be better with money, read more, to lose weight, to achieve our career goals, travel more, etc.  All good things!  I think every day is a chance for us to make better choices and move towards our goals, whatever they may be. However, I saw a movie over Christmas with a quote that really stood out to me - at one point, while stuck in a situation that she was not happy about and she couldn't control at that time, the main character said "You can't get so hung up on where you'd rather be that you forget to make the most of where you are." Is it possible to be TOO obsessed with goals?  To spend so much time wishing that things were different, that you totally blow by the phase of life you're in? Don't get me wrong.  I think setting and working to achieve goals is essential to having a successful life.  But what happens while we are working towards our goals? Days go by, and then weeks, and then a year.  LIFE happens!  And if all you really focused on was where you want to be...could you have missed out on some things that were in store for you during that time? Each day is a chance to learn, to grow, to influence someone else's life for the better.  You can still take those tiny, daily steps towards your goals while you intentionally live each day of the process.  Because the process is just as important as the result, in my opinion!  It's those daily ins and outs that make us who we are.  So while you're working to check off those goals, don't get so hung up that you miss out on the journey that gets you there!

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Admin User

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