Healthy People Make Healthy Relationships

Posted 3 months ago - Apr 30, 2024

From: Admin User
You know, human beings are magnetic, and we tend to attract people on our level of health. I think a lot of when it comes to creating healthy relationships, we want to focus on the relationship. We spend so much time focusing on the relationship that we forget that we are 50% of the equation of a relationship. And so, what that means is that we attract people on our level of health. We attract people on our level emotionally. We attract people on our level mentally, and we attract people on our level spiritually as well. And as we begin to get healthier, we then attract and engage with individuals in a healthier way. And so, I think the bottom line is that when you get healthy, it begins to impact your relationships. I often hear from people. "Why am I attracted to the bad guys? Why am I attracted to the unhealthy girls?" And as hard as it is, many times, the answer to that question means taking a look at our own level of health. Why am I allowing myself to engage with these types of people? What do I know about myself and how is that impacting the way that I engage in relationships? The healthier you are, the healthier your relationships will be as well.

By Debra Fileta of True Love Dates

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Admin User

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