Goodbye from Lil Ang

Posted 3 months ago - Apr 30, 2024

From: Admin User
In case we haven’t met yet, I’m Angela. You probably know me as “Lil Ang” from the NGEN Afternoon Show with Chris Chicago. After graduating college, I’ve been able to spend the last four years in Houston, talking to you every day on the radio. The day has come to say goodbye and it’s really hard. I love every single listener who has ever texted in to the show, called in, and been a part of the NGEN family. You don’t even know the ways your kind words on a hard day kept me going. The last four years in Houston have been extremely rewarding but also incredibly difficult. My family and friends aren’t from here, so I have struggled to find community. In many ways, the NGEN listeners have been that for me, so thank you for carrying me. You may be wondering why I’m leaving. I’ve been dating a Canadian guy throughout a large chunk of this time. We got engaged about a year ago and are planning our wedding in late June. With the unexpected events surrounding the coronavirus, our timeline has shifted due to traveling conditions. Just like many of you, I’m having to make decisions on a day-by-day basis. I feel like I need to go to Canada to be with Brandon (my fiancé) and his family right now. I wasn’t planning to leave now, but with everything going on I’m leaving this weekend. About a week ago, I had no idea what was to come. I learned I had to leave the job I love earlier than expected and that I might not get married when I’d been planning to. At first when all of this started, I questioned where God was. It just felt like insanity. But as days passed, I felt this weird sense of calm and peace. Everything was chaos, but I still had hope. I felt the presence of God. I felt peace that surpassed all understanding and I hope you know God can be that same peace in the chaos for you, too. Considering everything happening now, will you join me in praying for a few things?
  • Pray for healing for those who have contracted the virus
  • Pray for peace to the people who are still vulnerable to COVID-19
  • Pray for wisdom for the doctors and medical professionals (like my fiancé Brandon) as they do their best to treat those with the disease
As I move on to the next chapter of my life, I want you all to know how much you’ve meant to me. The NGEN family will always be a part of my life. I love you all.

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Admin User

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