Don’t Check Out

Posted 3 months ago - Apr 30, 2024

From: Admin User
“The two most important days of your life were the day you were born and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain
As we begin to tap into our passions, we realize that there has never been, currently isn’t, and will never be another you on this planet ever again. There is only one person, I don't care if you have octuplets, God designed you specifically for a reason. He made you with a purpose and your reason for being here is intentional.
To step out of this is robbing the entire world of what you authentically have to offer.
Yes, life is difficult, and things are hard, but you have a purpose. To understand that starts a thread that kind of pulls apart all the other unhealthy things. We must be okay with not being okay.
We must break the cycle of having to be strong all the time. Vulnerability and transparency are officially in style. We need to be a people that when someone says, “Hey man, how are you doing?” We should be okay with saying, “You know, I’m a little afraid of this or I have a little bit of anxiety about that.”
When this becomes the norm, others have someone to look up to. Mature people voicing their vulnerabilities and fears make it okay to be vulnerable.
Since this is a learned behavior, we must lead the way in being vulnerable and honest. Every day is an opportunity to have an impact.
It’s hard.
And as I sit here as a child of a father who took his own life, I am aware of the hole that’s left in you. It’s important that even when we face difficulty, to take a breath and choose to live.
Checking out, in any and all forms, leaves a hole in everyone around you. You must make the decision to live.
Ultimately, life is found in Christ. I encourage anyone who is suffering to find some loving people to be around, invest in a community you can trust and be vulnerable with.
By DJ Maj

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Admin User

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