Day 14 | #NGENFitFam

Posted 3 months ago - Apr 30, 2024

From: Admin User

Now, most people would not be willing to die for an upright person, though someone might perhaps be willing to die for a person who is especially good. But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. – Romans 5:7-8 NLT

Like for a like. Follow for a follow. Like for a TBH. We live in a world full of conditions & rules. “You have to be this high to ride this roller coaster.” “You need to finish your homework before you can watch TV.” “If you aren’t home by 11pm, you will be grounded for a month.” How amazing it is that Jesus loves us with no conditions! In fact, he CHOSE to love us before we even had the option of loving Him back. Crazy hey? Wanna know what’s crazier?? He is so immovable in His love for us, that even if we chose to reject or ignore His love, His love for us would remain unchanged. That’s crazy love. Yes, the rumours are true–God’s love for us is deeper than the oceans! Even more amazing, His pursuit of us is as relentless as the waves that crash upon the shores daily. Almost as if they are a reminder–an invitation to dive deep into the mystery and wonder of all He is, and to discover what treasures lie beneath the surface. When we dive in, we find that all we are is overwhelmed by all that He is. Any good that we could do is outweighed by His goodness and power. And the good news just keeps coming. ALL our wrong doings, our pain, our frustrations are submerged (hidden from view) in His love. God’s rule is LOVE. Completely. Entirely. Without condition. Because that’s how He rolls. He doesn’t just give us a little teacup of His love to drink from- He’s not cheap like that! No, what He gives us is more than we can handle- a raging sea of love, fierce and untamable. Let’s not hold ourselves to conditions that God himself does not hold us to. Of course, the result of us accepting His freely-given love is that it changes us from the inside out. Yet, His Love invitation has always been the same: “Come as you are”. Let’s approach Him with confidence today. Not just to ask Him for the things that He already knows we need, or even just to apologise for our stuff ups (although we should do both of these too!) but open-hearted, ready to let Him show us the wonders of His love and to let it do its transforming work in us, so that we can, in turn, pass on this love to others.

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Admin User

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