Always Changing

Posted 3 months ago - Apr 30, 2024

From: Admin User
Things are always changing.
We change, people around us change and our circumstances change. That’s just life. Some of these changes are welcomed, like a new job or a lower car insurance payment. And sometimes, there are changes that aren’t as exciting, like getting laid-off or finding out you have health problems.
When my bank account changes every two weeks, I’m totally okay with that. It’s a whole different story when things start changing that are out of my control. That’s not so great.
The last few weeks have encompassed both of those realities for me. I’m in this weird middle space where I’m excited about the changes coming my way, but I’m also sad about certain things coming to an end. I recently got engaged to the most amazing guy, which is an exciting change. However, with the new season coming, it means an old season is coming to an end. Now don’t get me wrong, being single has its disadvantages but it also has a lot of advantages too. This impending change, an exchange of independence for dependence, brings with it a lot of fear for me.
This change has had me reflecting on who God is.
The God of the universe, the One who holds everything in His hands, does not change. For someone who has been experiencing a lot of uncertainty, this truth is comforting. But for some reason, I still forget. I forget that resting in the knowledge that God never changes brings peace, stability, refuge, and an anchor in the storminess of life. So, if you haven’t perfected dealing with change, you’re not alone.
Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. Psalm 90:2
As people who change constantly, we cannot fathom what it means to be unchanging. We are constantly changing our minds, our clothes, our playlists, and even our bodies. Ladies, you know this is true because what happens when you need a change? BANGS, even though you knew better.
 When God tells us in His Word that He is unchangeable, it doesn’t make sense to us. However, we can trust the very unchangeable nature of God because He has proven it to us time and time again by His unchangeableness! God is our consistency in a fickle world.
When anxiety begins to take over and fear sets in, run to God for refuge. Run to the truths found in Scripture and let God remind you of His faithfulness. We have been given truth that never fades, never goes out of style, and never changes (Matthew 24:35). When we dwell on the truth, change doesn’t seem so scary.
Just speaking for myself here, but when I focus on the unknowns swirling around me instead of focusing on the Rock, my life is lived in anxiety, worry, and fear. We must choose to place our feet on the foundation, not sinking sand.
In the midst of change, whether it’s good or bad, remember that
  • God is your refuge and strength (Ps. 46:1-3)
  • God loves you and will never leave you (Rom. 8:38-39)
  • God is patient with you (2 Pt. 3:9)
  • God provides and protects (Mt. 6:26)
  • God’s Word is true (Num. 23:19)
  • God is just (Ps. 50:6)
  • God is full of compassion (Ps. 116:5)
  • God bears our burdens (Ps. 68:19-20)
  • God forgives our sins and shows mercy (Micah 7:18-19)
  • God is your Rock (2 Sam. 22:32-34)
  • God is with you (Is. 41:10)
God is our refuge and strength; we have nothing to fear because He is with us. No matter the change, remember that you are anchored to Christ, and He will keep you safe.
by Emily LaGrone

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Admin User

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